Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Dear Mom,
I'd have to check through the blog archives to see exactly how long I've been spinning, but without doubt it is only a fraction of the time I've been a knitter. And yet my spinning stash rivals my knitting stash- and frankly may even be larger. oooops. Definitely larger when I think of what is currently off to Ohio Valley getting blended and processed.
And then there is this:

When CarolWhoseHouseGotStruckByLightning visited her parents in Minnesota recently, she took a field trip to Northern Woolen Mill. She told me about the field trip a few days ahead and I asked her if it wasn't too much trouble, could she bring $50 worth of a bison/wool blend roving back next time she was in town? When I asked, I imagined that $50 would buy me a ball of roving slightly bigger than my fist. What I got was not one, not two, but THREE bigger-than-my-head balls of 50/50 North Dakota Bison and South Dakota Merino!  It spins up beautifully.
I don't know what I will do with the yarn once it has all been spun and plyed, but with this much roving, I should have plenty of options.

The first Sunday of each month, Tabby Tree Weaver hosts an Open Spin. I don't miss too many of those afternoons. A very nice group of ladies gathers to talk spinning and weaving, share some laughs, and ooh and ahh over Show-n-Tell. Last month MelissaWhoSpinsButDoesNotKnit shared this rug hooked masterpiece. This is truly a Work Of Art.

 Being the thoughtful, generous person I am, my first words (once I regained the ability to speak) were: "I want this when you die. Leave it to me in your Will." (Good thing that Melissa 'gets' me. She laughed and said okay. I think…..)

Okay, I don't want her to die. But I do admit to daydreaming about where I would hang this if it were in my house.